Diamond Art by Leslie Cox

Diamond Art by Leslie Cox

Leslie Cox is a Phoenix, Arizona native, and Vietnam War veteran spouse with a passion for creating textured diamond art. She has been working on diamond art since early 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many people, she was looking for a craft to occupy herself at home. She decided to try diamond art after seeing some videos online. Her curiosity turned into a lifestyle and now she has dozens of homemade framed masterpieces. 

Leslie recommends framing your work when you’re done. She even goes so far as to use museum glass to really make her designs shine. 

Her favorite piece is an underwater landscape because of the intricate design. Leslie loves a challenge and enjoys working on portraits with incredible detail. She says the most important aspect of design is quality. Anyone can create diamond art, but quality of materials make the biggest difference.

If you are beginning in diamond art, Leslie recommends starting with basic kits moving up in difficulty as you see fit. She does not recommend starting on a complex design, but rather something on a beginner level to introduce yourself. 

Leslie is constantly working on her diamond art designs with no sign of stopping. She finishes one piece and moves straight onto the next. There’s always room for new creations with diamond art! Would you try diamond art? Leave a comment on your thoughts about this design style. 

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